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Alchemy of You




Say Hello to Clarity

and no excuses.....

YOU are an engaged individual with a cauldron of strengths, talents, wisdom and experiences but.....

there is a lot more in you to be alchemised into gold.

It has been years of living the routine and keeping well, but you know, deep down, something has been brewing and just waiting to be materialized.

You want to

Be laser focused

Distill and segment, ACTIONABLE goals

be true to who you are

Work with your strengths AND weaknesses

BE accountable

Develop a practical 90-day PLAN to turn your deeper level of self-leadership to a concrete experience

Alchemy Of You

a 2-day intensive, foundational programme in mastering self-leadership and convert your learning to a 90-day actionable masterplan

Self awareness

we start with your strength assessment to be tactical with your points of power

self reflection

we identify your limiting beliefs and investigate how they block your goals

self regulation

we map out a customised combat strategy to battle the roadblocks

Programme Details


  • Gain clarity on your strengths and weaknesses, and pivot them to work in tandem

  • Identify and strategise how to defeat limiting beliefs

  • Learn proven techniques for actionable goal-setting and devise a plan of action


  • Design and develop a succinct 90-day plan for your active experimentation in self-leadership, and turn your mastery into concrete experience

  • Core Programme: 2 full days
  • Seminar Programme: 3 hours x 2 days

  • AOY Workbook

  • Invitation to accountability group
      • 6x monthly group coaching calls - post programme
      • Access to Resource Portal
      • and many more


  • Top 5 Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment


  • VANCOUVER, Canada

6 & 7 Feb 2024

Time: 6 - 9 pm

    • Faith-based / in collaboration with Zawiyah Foundation.

    • Seminar Programme




For 2 days, you will be coached and facilitated through a breakthrough programme that leverages on frameworks and modalities commonly used in executive coaching and leadership development to help you in deepening your level of self-leadership and achieve your professional and personal goals.

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Small group set-up

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Designed and developed by ICF-credentialed and SMU-certified leadership coach, Zuzan Zakaria

ICF - International Coaching Federation

SMU - Singapore Management University

A word..

Within 5 years alone, I have published 5 books, produced my 3rd award-winning documentary series, obtained 4 gruelling professional certifications in 25 months, wrote and produced a speech for the Singapore President for a global event, and set up 2 businesses. I am currently spearheading a 3-yr long 3D animation project. In between, I coached and workshopped with numerous individuals on how to be better leaders.

I often get asked how I can check-mark so many items in my goals-list and yet find time for family, faith, friends and fun. But like you, I too have setbacks, limiting beliefs, muddled goals, performance anxiety and all the things in between that do not make me any special than anybody, just a living, breathing human.

But one thing that I hold tightly in my life's maxim is - self leadership.

I do the work within me first, before I rationalise why some things are not happening.

As a certified executive and leadership coach, I chose my specialisation to be on self leadership because I know I can inspire and support others to be the ultimate leader - to lead themselves and eventually to lead others, if they are put in that position. I left a chockful of international experience in leading content teams but I take with me priceless lessons and wisdom on what makes humans tick, move and get into action.

Self-leadership involves intention, courage, clarity and vision - and in this 2-day intensive, my intention is to work with you to be okay with what makes you, YOU and have a masterplan in your hand to get your goals and dreams out of the woods.

I invite you to join the Alchemy of YOU programme.

Let's tie our camels.

If you are curious and JUST want to know if this is the right fit for you, Let's get on a short call.

Ready to get those goals out to play ?

for more questions

Alchemy of You is a self-leadership programme (c) by Intandem Leadership Pte Ltd